Strife Tribal Admin replied

443 weeks ago

3.1 Patch Adds a 24-Man raid on an enormous airship called The Void Ark

Click HERE for the preview

Send tell to Strife Tribal or Miri Kutamae or reply to this tread to be added to a party for the event it will take place on patch day November 10th 7pm GMT please add full name and Role/Job.
Loot rule will be set to normal
Entry will end 1 hour before start time remaining spots will be filled by pugs
This event is for players of the The Brethren and DPMO FC's and some friends of BRO are also welcome to participate.
If you have a party you wish to be apart off or if you don't care what party your in you will be added to one at random or what best helps each party
EG: if your friend is in party 2 and you want to play with that friend make that clear
Please be ready for 7pm With the new raid unlocked as we don't want to be kept waiting the raid will be ran twice so everyone has a change to get a piece of gear
No understanding of the raid is needed as it will be brand new and that why we are doing as a team
Please do not RAGE at your other party members and please do not be Steuben if someone asks you something reply in kind thank you

Each party's LEAD will be in charge of building there rightful group from the players below you leader in the list is marked with a (L)

party 1
Tank -Strife Tribal - DRK (L)
Heal -Miri Kutamae - AST
Heal-Thanatos - WHM/SCH
DPS-Zinnath Shadowbolt - DRG
DPS-Kaiya Shivell - BRD
DPS-Ciaran Donncha – BLM

Party 2
Tank-Salvador - PLD
Heal-Aiake Belhi - AST
Heal-Mayoto Belhi -WHM/AST
DPS-Draconi Talos -Monk/Ninja (L)

Party 3
Tank-Ezekiel Darkmyr - PLD
Heal- Idriel Kazuto WHM
Heal-Goki Oko - SCH (L)
DPS-Snow Targaryen - BRD
DPS- Kuroka Saegusa-DRG

Thank you for being apart of the 3.1 Brethren 24 man raid Void Ark event! we are very happy that you could be apart of the team have fun good luck on your loot drops adventures

last edited 441 weeks ago by Strife Tribal

The King replied

443 weeks ago

Tank- Salvador - Paladin!

last edited 443 weeks ago by Strife Tribal

Zinnath replied

443 weeks ago

DPS - Zinnath Shadowbolt - DRG

last edited 443 weeks ago by Strife Tribal

Kaiya Shivell replied

443 weeks ago

DPS - Kaiya Shivell - BRD

Ezekiel Darkmyr Admin replied

442 weeks ago

Tank - Ezekiel Darkmyr - PLD
bold text

Draconi replied

441 weeks ago

DPS -Draconi Talos -Monk/Ninja

Navarre replied

441 weeks ago

Heal/tank DRK/WHM/SCH Thanatos

last edited 441 weeks ago by Navarre

Idriel replied

441 weeks ago

HEAL WHM Idriel Kazuto

Snow replied

441 weeks ago

DPS BRD Snow Targaryen

Haku Oerba replied

441 weeks ago

SCH Goki Oko Party 3
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